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Insert installation media for the device

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The insert disk error message appears when your USB flash drive or pen drive is inaccessible or unreadable by Windows due to any of the below reasons: Also, when you view the USB’s properties, the ‘ Used space’ and ‘ Free space’ on the drive are shown as 0 bytes. To fix the issue, you try to format or partition the USB but both options typically fail to work. In this post, we will focus on a common USB error - ‘please insert a disk into USB drive’.

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But, the good news is, if you’re aware of the causes of those errors, you can bring the faulty USBs back on track in no time and recover your photos, audios or videos.

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That said, USBs can often become quite troublesome when unexpected errors hamper their usual working. USB sticks are portable, easy-to-use, and offer more space to store multimedia files.